in support of cmha's recovery college and rabbi scher's community bridge-building initiatives
Hockey Against Hate 2023 was a massive success, raising $73,500 in its inaugural year to support Rabbi Scher’s bridge-building community initiatives. That was in August. As we’ve seen in the subsequent months, the need for those initiatives has grown exponentially since then. Those funds are already being put to work in our communities – engaging hundreds of high school students in interfaith workshops, facilitating anti-racism panels for members of the public service, and leading a public relations blitz with all media outlets to call out racism and hatred in our city.
The 2nd annual Hockey Against Hate will take place in August 2024 at the Bell Sensplex, and we are proud to be partnering with the Canadian Mental Health Association. Proceeds from the 2024 tournament will support the Recovery College at CMHA Ottawa, a groundbreaking initiative that works to establish social connection, hope and optimism, identity, meaning, and empowerment through education. Hockey Against Hate is also a proud supporter of the GTHL Hockey Summit — an initiative which re-imagines minor hockey and removes barriers to the game.
This year’s tournament will be double the size, moving from 5 teams to 10, and thanks to the incredible player experience of last year’s tournament teams are expected to fill up quickly.
The tournament size will be bigger, the fundraising target will be bigger, and the need for this bridge-building work is bigger than ever.
Partner with us to stand in support of mental health and bridge-building in the Nation’s Capital, all while playing the game we love.
Thank you to our amazing sponsors! We could not do this without you.
GDI Services
Kelly Funeral Homes
Rampart Corp
Hulse, Playfair & McGarry
Larry Segal
Brazeau Seller
donations can be submitted to a team or to an individual
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If you would prefer to donate towards a team or an individual please select that option on the page. In addition, you will also be given the option to register for the event at the same time.